Urgent Notice: Security Incident on CoinEx - Immediate Actions Underway.

12 Sep 2023, 17:38
Urgent Notice: Security Incident on CoinEx - Immediate Actions Underway On September 12, 2023, our Risk Control System detected anomalous withdrawals from several hot wallet addresses used to store CoinEx's exchange assets. Promptly recognizing the gravity of the situation, we immediately established a special investigative team to delve into the matter. Preliminary assessments indicate unauthorized transactions involving $ETH, $TRON, and $MATIC. The precise amount of the loss is still being determined, and the affected fund is just a very small portion of CoinEx’s total asset. We assure all users: your assets are secure and untouched. Affected parties will receive 100% compensation for any loss due to this breach. For added security, deposit & withdrawal services are temporarily suspended and will resume after a thorough review. You have our solemn promise that a detailed timeline and comprehensive report about this incident will be shared with the community as swiftly as possible. In these challenging times, we earnestly seek your understanding and patience. Our priority has always been, and will continue to be, the security and trust of our users. We deeply regret any distress this may have caused and assure you of our unwavering dedication to safeguarding your interests.